! This macro computes the PSF! for the currently loaded lens, polychromatic,! at the first field,! and a 64x64 grid density (sampling = 2),! data will be placed in vector 1,! normalized to 1,! no phase data,! default image delta.SETCONFIG 4SETVECSIZE 70000 NUM=0OUTPUT "psfgrid.dat" for lx=-10,10,1 for ly=-10,10,1 NUM=NUM+1! PRINT NUM FLDX 1 =lx*0.1 #X-angle or height of specified field.# FLDY 1 =ly*0.1 FWGT 1 = 1.0 #Field weighting of specified field.# UPDATE hyp= SQRT((lx*0.1)*(lx*0.1)+(ly*0.1)*(ly*0.1)) #confined in a circle# IF(hyp> 1.1) GOTO 2 ENDIF GETPSF 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0 #GETPSF wave, field, sampling, vector, unnormalized, phaseflag, imagedelta# #wave=0:polychromatic; field:which field position to use (Field must be an integer between 1 and the maximum number of fields)# #Sampling may be 1 (32 x 32), 2 (64 x 64), 3 (128 x 128), etc... up to 2048 x2048# np = vec1(0) IF (np == 0) PRINT "PSF Computation aborted." GOTO 1 ENDIF IF (np == -1) PRINT "SETVECSIZE too small for PSF data." GOTO 1 ENDIF IF (np == -2) PRINT "Not enough system RAM for PSF data." GOTO 1 ENDIF! PRINT "There are ", np, " data points, spaced ", vec1(np+1), " micrometers apart".FORMAT 4.3 #print 4 characters, show 3 decimal places# For i=1,256,1 #16^2=256# For j=1,256,1 PRINT VEC1((i-1)*256+j)," ", #Returns the value of the array variable at the specified subscript# NEXT PRINT LABEL 2 NEXT NEXTNEXTOUTPUT "coord.dat"for lx=-10,10,1 for ly=-10,10,1 hyp= SQRT((lx*0.1)*(lx*0.1)+(ly*0.1)*(ly*0.1)) IF(hyp> 1.1) GOTO 3 ENDIF PRINT lx," ",ly LABEL 3 NEXTNEXTLABEL 1
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